Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Can't believe it is coming to an end!
Not only is this amazing media writing class coming to an end, but my college career is also coming to an end. It has been a long journey, but it still doesn't feel like it should be over. I feel like there is so much more for me to learn, hopefully I will gain the most knowledge in the working world. My life has changed drastically since the first day I start college at UNH in Durham. A lot of ups and downs, but I feel that now I am in the best place possible and my drive is true and progressive. I want to thank all my professors and the friends that have stuck with me and given me a chance to show them who I am and what I am all about. Long journey but totally worth it.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Whats On My Mind
Among the million and one things that fly quickly through my mind I am consumed about the ironic event that occured to me yesterday. The vehicle I drive has had its ups and downs since I have owned it, but I didn't ever think that this would happen. Power windows are a great feature that almost every single car, truck or suv have these days. I am sure that owners of their vehicles never think of what happened to me, I know I didn't. As I started my car I rolled my driver side window down with the ease of a button, little did I know the window was not going to go back up. It couldn't have happened on a damper day. The rain came down all day long, didn't stop once. Let me tell you that driving seventy-five up route three in cold rainy weather is no fun whatsoever. That is what has been plaguing my mind and also whether the problem is a motor or a switch, either way it will cost money that I don't have. So yeah, Boo Hoo, I'm bitching about it, at least I am not complaining about who is taking over the Presidency!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Grand Opening
Four P's Plaza, the one stop shop that has all your needs at one spot. The new plaza that is located in Nashua, NH has something to offer for everyone. On November 1st the brand new plaza will be holding its Grand Opening. There will be games, rides, exotic animals, raffles, and other great give - aways. Fill up your gas tank with the cheapest gas in the area at the economic friendly PUMP. You could also get your mom that new tattoo she wanted at PANE with featured artist Tom Pane, or stop in for a slice of the best pizza in New England at 4 P's Pizza. Don't forget to swing by our newly established Sports lounge PLAYERZ. Once again we offer everything for the entire family. Come on down for the Grand Opening of 4 P's Plaza and see what we are all about.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I don't want to grow up, I'm a New Age Kid.
After twenty-four years of life on this earth, I still have a hard time answering the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up." Let me run through a list of the occupations that I thought I wanted to pursue over the years. When I was in the second or third grade I wanted to become a police officer. The badge, the gun, and the lights of the cruiser all excited me. Later in middle school and into my freshman year of high school I wanted to be an architect. I heard architects made huge money, plus it would be a rush to see your work on the streets of cities. Then between my freshman and junior years I wanted to be a musician. The loud music, the fans, the money, and the fame all enticed me. After that delusion was over, I left my senior year wanting to become an accountant in the business field. The reasons for this was strictly money. After the first year and a 1/2 of my college career as a business major I came to a realization. I HATED accounting! I would have been filled with boredom until I was collecting social security. I dug deep and it occurred to me that I have always liked writing, reading, and language itself. My freshman English teacher at UNH really encouraged me to let my opinions and feeling flow onto the pages and attempt to write what I never thought I could write about. I changed my major sophomore year to English and the rest is history, or at least I thought it was. With only this semester to go I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I bet if you asked most professionals in the world what they wanted to be when they grew up they would tell you they still don't know. I'm a variable, I am ever-changing, I am part of the New Age generation.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Bear Market

By Artist Lisa Rae Winant.
24 x 11 / oil on panel
Used by permission of the Artist
Warning!Warning!Warning! Rabid bear has just escaped the UNH zoo. Please be aware that this giant grizzly is armed with razor sharp claws and teeth. Arthur Lancaster listened to the newcast as he drank his morning coffee and paid little attention to it. As he left the house Arthur thought to himself that what are the chances that he is going to run into a giant, rabid, Grizzly bear. As he strolled through the park on his way to the office he was shocked to see the Grizzly that was mentioned on the news. The bear was tearing down branches from a nearby tree. Art was frozen with fear and heard on the Discovery channel that if he ever encountered a bear he should just stay still and leave the bear alone. The Grizzly noticed the frozen man and made his way towards him. Art remained frozen as the bear began to open his mouth right in front of him. To Art's surprise he did not hear a loud growl or a terrifying grunt, but a pleasant voice coming from the bear. "Hello sir, I was wondering if you could spare some change for bus fare." Still frozen with amazement, but no longer horror Art mindlessly reached in his pocket and handed the bear a five dollar bill. "Thank you sir, I need to get out of this crazy city and head home to Alaska. You're really helping me out." It took Art a few minutes to recover from his amazement and as he turned towards the direction that the huge bear left the park he saw the bear waving to him out the window of a city bus. Weird didn't quite cover the events that just took place. Arthur Lancaster, a man who helps the animal population.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Glimpse at Addiction in the Media
Drug Addiction has always ridden under the spotlight throughout the media and entertainment, with the exception of detectives touching on the topic in a cop drama. The last few years have brought a bright light to the destruction of drugs and the disease of addiction. T.V. shows like Intervention have displayed the true-life stories of everyday people that struggle with drugs and alcohol, and don't know how to help themselves. The hour long episodes are targeted at drug use, and the break down that it causes the user and their families. “Intervention™ raises awareness about the alternatives and treatment options available to those who suffer from an alcohol or drug addiction, and gives hope to families who have nowhere left to turn.” ( On the other hand society also views and listens to the gossip that surround celebrities and their dirty laundry. Luckily when they screw up and get caught using drugs the instant apology is to check themselves into rehab. Society needs to understand the difference between the two. The rock bottom of a drug addict is usually not he same as Lohan, or Spears checking into the lavish rehabilitation centers in California. Celebrities most likely didn't have to steal to get their fix, or cut down anything in their path to find drugs because they were blinded by addiction. “Each week THE CLEANER follows Benjamin Bratt as William Banks, a recovering addict who helps others get clean by any means necessary as he struggles to maintain his own rocky personal life.” ( Shows like The Cleaner are proof that Intervention has influenced people in the American society. It may be entertainment, but it might be able to save a life. If more people are aware of the options that are open to them they could help themselves or friends and family that struggle with the sickness of addiction.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
CA 520 - Media Writing
So far very interested in the array of job opportunities that I have learned during the first class period. Even though I have never blogged before, I feel as though this exercise could be a great way to express opinions and thoughts about almost anything. Looking forward to publishing content that will deal with many different aspects of the human condition and society as a whole.
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